The brain is the main regulator of human organism controlling numerous processes that are necessary for life. It affects the body in every possible ways – right from the physical health to the psychological health.
First, the brain manages many vital processes of the human body including breathing, heartbeat, and digestion with the help of the autonomic nervous system. It also controls locomotion and coordination through which we can function in the cardinal direction of our environment.
Furthermore, the brain is involved with regards to the emotional and psychological well being of a person. It evaluates the stimuli through analyzing the experiences, and understands and develops reactions contributed to the perceptions and actions. Happiness, fear and sorrow are all electrical phenomena in the brain, influencing one’s health and coping mechanisms.
Also, it is noteworthy that the human brain controls not only the entire organism’s activity but also the immunity and general well-being. Habitual stress, for instance, alters immune systems’ strength and puts a person more at risk to diseases. On the other hand, positive cognitive processes and affect enhance the individual’s well-being and therefore strengthen the immune system.
In addition, thinking, learning, and memory that are functions of the brain are central to adaptation and existence. It lets us understand the world around us, find solutions to questions or challenges affecting our day to day lives.
Therefore one can conclude that in fact brain is not only an organ within our body, but the central communication hub that links physical, emotional and cognitive processes. It is a part of everyday life that determines well-being and the quality of life; therefore, comprehending its function and practicing prevention measures, exercises, and nutrition for a healthy brain are vital.
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